Of The Bluebird’s Cognition | Teen Ink

Of The Bluebird’s Cognition

May 23, 2022
By BrooklynLarsen BRONZE, Cedar City, Utah
BrooklynLarsen BRONZE, Cedar City, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

   Trekking through a dense thicket of indescribable emotion

Must I only rely on the light of the dusk, which rests before my insight?

The path unclear, the light refrained

Raises up the pines before mine soul

And I am unsure of whether tis the landscapes or my own naive heart

That has lost the way to divine distinction


    Then within the misty absence comes the sailing of a light

Who’s cerulean wings glide upon an endless darkened night

Twas the bluebird of the north, with whom she brings compassion

And lands with grace before me to endorse my uneven indecision.

“Oh why have you lost yourself?” She would speak to me

Perhaps it truly struck a conscience I sought to hide beneath.

“I seek with little hope of such recompense” I answered to the trees.

For how can I reap what is lost in an endless labyrinth.


     “Follow me” The bluebird sang, her song a simple tune.

Bending the air and taking flight she would glide as I hastened with weary steps

Till we came upon the mount to which the universe unfurled upon the glance

“Look there” She said “And tell me what you see”.

I gazed and saw a tribe of souls, through blood and spirit I connected

I saw the mass of exploration, the creativity of conscience bloomed.


   “Then turn around” The bird would say, and I would revolve slowly

And see an endless valley of a city, which buildings rose of representation

To ensure the core of existence and personal development.

“Can you see it?” She would whisper, and for the first time I truly could.

“They share a bond of endless solidity”  I spoke

“diverse however correlative.”

“They connect through love, a gift of great credibility.”

“For this is what defines the character of my soul.”

  “Love defines the heart, thus defines the mind” saith the bird

Could complexities mend through simple means?

“Yes” I answered “It would be so”

For perhaps I truly sense my conscience.

Perhaps to lose to empathy gains

And thus prescribe the will of everburning fate.


May the bluebird satisfy mine own sealed gate.

The author's comments:

My name is Brooklyn Larsen and I’m a Junior at Cedar City High School! I love to write stories, poetry and speeches to express my views and beliefs of the world! “Of The Bluebird’s Cognition” is a symbolic poem of self discovery and love mixed with my own personal beliefs and experiences. Hope you enjoy this piece!

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This article has 1 comment.

Afra ELITE said...
on Jun. 9 2022 at 2:58 am
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

Brooklyn, I really enjoyed this amazing piece...You've the potential to keep writing!!!✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻
Keep up the great work!!!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻