Above The Girl | Teen Ink

Above The Girl

April 11, 2022
By xeraphila BRONZE, Hillside, New Jersey
xeraphila BRONZE, Hillside, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As the grass was blowing roundabout,

The atmosphere possessed little to no sound.

Along with the soft chirping of birds on a shed.

A soft white lily landed on a small girl’s head.

As she spun around, her face void of any frown,

When she turned around, she was nowhere to be found.

While the town buzzed with an ominous tension,

The clamor in the Perdita manor was not to be mentioned.

There lay a woman, crying in a great depression,

Because her only daughter may have been sent to heaven.

She sent soldiers to find her only daughter,

But it was too late, she was already 12 feet deep in water.

Seemingly so, as the sky looked undead,

The beautiful white lily was just above her head.

The author's comments:

Hi, this poem has very triggering topics that may be harmful to some viewers such as kidnapping and implied death, please be warned! Also, this poem has many meanings of symbolism, can you guess them all?

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