My Mighty Oak | Teen Ink

My Mighty Oak

July 10, 2020
By DavisJG21 BRONZE, Haymarket, Virginia
DavisJG21 BRONZE, Haymarket, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A blinding ball in the sky beat down the breath of hell

Its brutal heat stole the rain, turning grass into hay

Its scorching fires encased the world

But underneath your crown of leaves, I lay


A fierce howl drained out the chorus of birds

Its powerful gust tore at your leaves and clawed at your bark

I screamed as it ripped some of your limbs apart

But you refused to let your branches go stark


A golden leaf grew brittle and faded into brown

Foliage descended as you lost your chromatic cloak

Remaining was a heap, a corpse of what was once summer

But you were still my mighty oak


A sharp frost sheathed a barren field

Its cold caused bears to hide and streams to shoot still

It forged daggers that clung onto your withering arms

But you were not a force that cold could kill


A sharp blade severed through your thick trunk

It seized the broad rings of resilience you made

It still left a simple reminder of your roots that stretch beneath the earth

But you could no longer be my place of cooling shade


A melody of stars glistened in the nocturne of black

Leaning against your stump in the basin of darkness, I lay

Beaming light illuminated over a deep blanket of green hues

But even in twilight, right by your side I will stay.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem for Father's Day to remind my dad of how much I love him. My dad has always had a fascination for trees so I wanted to incorporate that into my writing for him. I was drawn to writing about an oak tree specifically because oak trees are a symbol of wisdom, strength, spirituality, and solace. These are admirable qualities that dad lives by.

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