#alllivesmatter | Teen Ink


June 1, 2020
By Anonymous

Two Kingdoms eternally at war,

One Black and one White.

They clash upon the land between them,

Wreaking havoc on each other,

Only increasing the body count, 

Rather than searching for a peaceful solution.

One feels threatened and lashes out,

And then the other becomes frightened,

And too attacks,

And the cycle feeds into itself.

But Kingdoms rarely think of those smaller,

Weaker, than they are.

The land between the Kingdoms

Is not empty.

The land is filled with villages,

With families and communities and societies

And people.

But they are forgotten as casualties

As the Kingdoms continue to wage their war.

And as they continue,

Each side blames the other for a death,

Although it does not seem to be a loss,

Since there is no grieving, but instead more anger.

They do not wonder if it may be both their faults,

That the two Kingdoms, combined, destroyed each other,

And the people in between.

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