A Ballad for Little Dreamers | Teen Ink

A Ballad for Little Dreamers

January 22, 2020
By goodman23 BRONZE, West Chester, Pennsylvania
goodman23 BRONZE, West Chester, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the eve when the sun turns to gold,

        There is a stream of sunlight.

It filters through the leaves of trees

        And makes children’s eyes bright.

It calls them to a very secret place, 

        through the grass and the brush.

The children run fast, pushing past,

        there really is no need to rush. 

They come to a clearing in the forest,

        Where creatures and fairies smile.

The sweet sunlight beckons and calls to them, 

        Come and stay awhile. 

The children laugh and dance with glee, 

        Spinning round and round.

The fairies fly, oh so high!

        And music joyfully sounds. 

The evening hours burn away,

        with smiles and bliss for all.

The children love to jump and play

        but now there’s a homesick call. 

The bright, warm sunlight has up and gone, 

        and the children return home.

But they will always dream of the place,

        where laughter and magic roam.

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