Herpetophobia | Teen Ink


December 11, 2018
By Washik BRONZE, Dhaka, Other
Washik BRONZE, Dhaka, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What happened last evening  was an event to behold,

I’ll walk you through that period in time so that you can experience the scene as it unfolds.

In such a dire situation was Ben,

He  looked aghast and wan.


His stare was intense and fixed,

His face displayed emotions mixed;

And his brows were corrugated,

Who knew his day would be so ill-fated?


What was the object that so captured his gaze?

Was it a monster swelling with rage?

Was it King Kong,

That would throttle him in a single squeeze with it’s muscles sinewy and strong?


Fear was stitched in the very fabric of his being,

The creature he looked upon must have been an evil thing.

His hair stood on end, he clenched his fist,

In absolute awe of this hideous beast.


The way he recoiled at first sight,

Was an indication of the creature's might.

The pearly perspiration beads wetted his moustache- delicate and juvenile

In his eyes was mirrored the animal so vile.


Suddenly he gave out a terrific squall

That rattled the windows, shook the wall.

Tom was about to swoon,

The next moment his family was in his room.


His mother exclaimed – such a big silly boy…

His sister cackled in a feat of joy.

The guilty lizard conclusively added from the attic,

A harmonious Tik Tik Tik.

The author's comments:

The poem depicts a real life situation.

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