A Cold Day in November | Teen Ink

A Cold Day in November

November 30, 2018
By Anonymous

‘Twas a cold day in November

When she walked to town with cheer.

It was nearing towards December,

But that could bring no tear.

No, that could bring no tear.

“Where are you off to, cheerful girl?”

“I’m off to see a show.”

“The ice is come and snowflakes whirl,

So careful as you go.

Yes, careful as you go.”

Off she went, she played and skipped,

While happy thoughts ran through her head.

But no one caught her when she slipped,

And there they found her dead.

Yes, there they found her dead.

‘Twas a cold day in November

When they carried her body away.

The graveyard was where they would send her,

And there she lies today.

Yes, there she lies today.

The author's comments:

I had to write this for a class. It's a bit sad, but we were supposed to do that. 

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