Devil's Night | Teen Ink

Devil's Night

November 7, 2018
By Anonymous

Devil’s Night cometh,
The evening of flame,
A reckoning twilight,
Unruly, untame

The demons lay quiet
The hours before,
Preparing for sunset,
Preparing for war

The city is hushed now,
Men sick with fear,
Women dead silent,
Children held near

The gates of Hell open
And let loose the ghosts,
Phantasms of carnage,
Hungry for new hosts

A bloody miasma
Falls over the streets,
The evil grows stronger,
The cycle repeats

Flesh torn asunder,
Innocence lost,
They join with the spirits
To haunt and accost

A city on fire,
Dark fiends on patrol,
Drunk on the taste of
Extricated soul

Benighted and weary
By break of new day,
The solemn survivors
Soon come out to play

The author's comments:

A poem about the night before Halloween. Inspired by the film The Crow (1994).

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