Milwaukee's Best | Teen Ink

Milwaukee's Best

June 7, 2018
By SamanthaWilking BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
SamanthaWilking BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

12 cans

1 case

5 empty cardboard boxes of beer in the garage even though i took the garbage out two days ago


A beer with dinner


A beer to get rid of the thoughts flooding his mind

A bail ticket coming out of my college tuition

A bail ticket coming out of the back pocket of my fathers sweatpants that he wore to his 14 hour shift at work

A 12 pack of Milwaukee's best $6.99 at the grocery store and $5.79 at the liquor store just down the street.

Our savings account is empty and my father is quiet

He says nothing but his mind is full and in riot

A functioning alcoholic in a dysfunctional mind,

So much love in his heart, but still his happiness will not align

A DUI and an OWI but still the madness ensues,

He refuses to let the light of contentment shed through

I love my father, and i love his soul,

But it has been far too long seeing him live without control

The author's comments:

This piece is very personal to me, and I hope others can relate to my emotional and feeling conveyed in this piece.

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