Origin | Teen Ink


May 29, 2018
By NotBruceLee BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
NotBruceLee BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Our species, Homo sapien,
The “wise men”
Or so we believe.
Nothing compares to our intelligence,
Far superior than anything we have encountered
But have we outsmarted ourselves?
Beginning to stray from our natural instincts
Becoming mechanical beings.
Working nine to fives
Instead of living day to day.
Were humans really created to be put in factories?
Working life away till you’re 60
Living the same repetitive day,
Just for that retirement bonus
Even then can you enjoy your life
Doing things you wish you could
Only if you were a bit younger though.
But it's time you can’t get back.
How long until you realize that you’re not human?
But a slave to the system
Psychologically trained from day one.
Becoming the “good workers” we should become.
Which in turn only helps the whole of society.
Or just the people who control society.
While they sit on their wealth
Where do the rest sit?
They sit at desk mindlessly working
Just like humans were meant to right?

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