Ode To Her | Teen Ink

Ode To Her

May 16, 2018
By conwayosc SILVER, Lenexa, Kansas
conwayosc SILVER, Lenexa, Kansas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She was a demon in gruesome disguise,
for I was blind and could not tell.
I allowed her to whisper evil lies
in my mind, happiness farewell.

But it was my mistake to believe them.
To her, who I was was trickery;
my body was something of deception.
Hell was where I was, sunk to misery.

But then she came along, flying towards me
A nimble angel in the sky.
She saved me, brought me to where I belong
High gods, angels, and spirits I came by.

She split open my heart with graceful hands,
she smiled at the broke remains.
A heart abused from fatuous demands
she reached inside and worked her art.

And emotion scarce to me came alive.
She created for me a stew,
of joyful memories, and a sweet thrive.
Seeing the heart she pushed through.

Her tender smile, teeth shooting garish rays.
My heart is no longer dark blue.
Then she sewed me up with one little phrase,
I love you.

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