The Cruelty of Nature | Teen Ink

The Cruelty of Nature

March 18, 2018
By Carzland GOLD, Watchung, New Jersey
Carzland GOLD, Watchung, New Jersey
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Wilting plants grow as rain falls from the sky
Unfathomable depths mapped and explored
Telling the truth as one who told lies
Life; death


Bare branches shake as rain falls from the sky
Great deepness that has been mapped and explored
A truthful being sits and tells lies
Life; death


Torn trees sit as rain pours down from the sky
Darkness that has been brightened by light
An ironic person who sits and tells lies
Life; death


Malicious plants live as rain pours from the sky
Darkness that will never be brightened by light
An ironic being who sits and screams lies
Life; death


Malicious plants live as rain falls for all time
Darkness that will be forever in dark
A cruel, evil person who sits and tells lies
Life; death


Evil plants stay as rain falls throughout night
Darkness that will be forever evil
An evil, dreadful person who always tells lies
Life; death


Evil beings stay for rain throughout night
A dark, dreadful color that will be forever evil
Dark, gloomy people who always tell lies
Life; death


Evil beings wait for rain throughout night
Evil colors will be forever gloomy
Evil people will live forever on lies
Life, and so goes a happy death

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