A Lonely Man | Teen Ink

A Lonely Man

March 18, 2018
By Carzland GOLD, Watchung, New Jersey
Carzland GOLD, Watchung, New Jersey
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There once was a man who travelled the waves
On his face, a grimace tenfold grave
A fusillade of hits battered the boat
But the man was determined to keep it afloat


There once was a man who travelled the land
Never had he seen such beauty so grand
A grimace he held while counting sand grains
He frantically tried to relieve his pains


There once was a man who travelled through dark
He carried a talisman to stop any marks
But with sinister meaning he fell down and lay
Never to be seen ever again


There once was a man who travelled through light
He pushed on and on, trying to fight
But resignation soon took hold of his hand
So pure was the one who worshipped the grand


There once was a man who travelled so high
He was so close; he could feel him so nigh
Oppression tried to weigh him down
But he never was weighed too close to the ground


There once was a man who travelled so low
He was a rock in the stream, disrupting the flow
So fatal was the decision he made
The consequence so horrid; he got played


Such a coincidence that this man of which we speak
Is an example of the sorrowful weak

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