Lifeless Misery | Teen Ink

Lifeless Misery

March 7, 2018
By Carzland GOLD, Watchung, New Jersey
Carzland GOLD, Watchung, New Jersey
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life, which I despise, is a lie
And this Earth we all live in
Will one day die as I have died
And fall into the depths of misery


Life, which I despise, is a lie
And these faces I see in my dreams
Will one day come to haunt me
Haunt me in my dreams of misery


Life, which I despise, is a lie
And so is the great death
Spoken of to me by the lord’s angels
Who warn me of its misery


Life, which I despise, is a lie
And it tortures my mind day by day
There is not one moment where it is not nigh
Closer, in fact, than misery


Life, which I despise, is a lie
And I sense the watchful eyes
Staring at me in the depths of night
Through the blackness of misery


Life, which I despise, is a lie
And reality is full of false appearances
Ghastly visions of which fill thee
Fill the emptiness of misery


Life, which I despise, is a lie
And oh the lies I see!
From the very shallow to the very deep
Swept away by countless waves of misery

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