Your Love | Teen Ink

Your Love

February 10, 2018
By smilehellaloud BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
smilehellaloud BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never judge a book by its cover."

Do you wanna destroy me too?

The nonchalant emotions of yours is drawing my attention towards you.

The way you push me to fight against the world,

The way you defend me in front of the world,

Is that unsaid love of yours vanquishing my hatred ?

Your words are having a deep effect,

I don't know how I am getting affected.

But yes, you always prove that you have a soft corner in my heart,

I can't let the destiny tear you apart.

You vanquished the hatred and planted the love.

Oh dear! Nothing can harm you as your are as pure as a dove.

The author's comments:

This is a poem included in my blog too. Felings and emotions are a part of life don't run away from them. 

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