Tell Me I'm Pretty | Teen Ink

Tell Me I'm Pretty

January 4, 2018
By babyry BRONZE, Corona, California
babyry BRONZE, Corona, California
4 articles 1 photo 0 comments



1 word, 6 letters

Word: a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writting.

So, according to the dictionary 

I should feel that when I hear the words, "You're pretty",

It should mean something,


When those 6 letters make up that 1 particular word

I'm supposed to feel like a meaningful element in life

Tell me what it is that I want to hear

So, tell me I'm pretty.

Because pretty is good, I guess.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this piece titled, "Tell Me I'm Pretty", because of the constant societal struggle that people are faced with everyday. I want the readers to feel that you don't need another persons validation in order to embrace who you already are. "Tell Me I'm Pretty" is a metaphor that symblolizes the rebellion of societal norms and expectations.

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