The Greed at The Koi Pond | Teen Ink

The Greed at The Koi Pond

December 13, 2017
By mmalters BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
mmalters BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The man thought he was in need

By the koi pond that seamlessly flows
He knows not to manifest in great greed

In his hand rests a seed
Waiting graciously as it grows
The man thought he was in need

He desires to do such great deeds
For a god he thinks never shows
He knows not to manifest in great greed

In his hand rests a seed
He knows what questions will erose
The man thought he was in need

He cries with plead
As the graceful koi pond froze
He knows not to manifest in great greed

He wishes his sorrows were freed
Regretting the mistakes he chose
The man thought he was in need
He knows not to manifest in great greed

The author's comments:

Humans are always out for themselves and there is sometimes greed involved with life. People are interested in their own well beings. 

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