Finding the Answer | Teen Ink

Finding the Answer

December 12, 2017
By Baseball26 SILVER, PEWAUKEE, Wisconsin
Baseball26 SILVER, PEWAUKEE, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Billy has a big question.
He discovered time travel,
and is the only one
who knows of the discovery.
He wants to use time travel to answer his question.

Billy has a big question.
He knows beautiful streets,
and wonders if his grandkids
will ever appreciate them too.
He sets sights to traveling nearly a century in the future.

Billy has a big question.
On July 20th, 2011,
he will have the answer,
weather his streets are still appreciated.
If his streets are still appreciated by a generation nearly a century in the future.

Billy has a big question.
He will not fit in.
He is the only one
wearing a suit in Milwaukee,
sticking out like a bruised apple he knows he must hurry.

Billy has a big question.
He gets in the museum.
He looks at his streets,
he is overwhelmed with joy,
seeing his grandson holding the hand of a young child.

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