Landing on the Moon on a Dark Evening | Teen Ink

Landing on the Moon on a Dark Evening

December 4, 2017
By bujardn BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
bujardn BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Whose space is this I do not know

They could live on the planets though
They will not see me stopping here
To discover if there’s life to grow

My spaceship is landed someplace near
But traveling from it I do not fear
Between the craters and countries’ flags
I see the decades old footprints here

My crew gives my cable cord a shake
Before my suit begins to break
I only hear the peaceful quiet
Of the sea of stars, an endless lake

The sky is deep and dark and grand
But I need my space-suit to withstand
The years to go before I land
The years to go before I land

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