Put a Smile on | Teen Ink

Put a Smile on

March 25, 2009
By Shaddie SILVER, Mattawan, Michigan
Shaddie SILVER, Mattawan, Michigan
8 articles 1 photo 4 comments

broken mask
pasted smile
forced laugh

make them believe
that I'm happy
like they always do

even though
I've been crying
and screaming, too

smile on my face
I've been told
that i look happy

funny how i fool them
when I'm really
feeling crappy

i try to push away
all feelings
of remorse

even though
it's hard when I'm
feeling this lost

putting on a smile
and laughing
throughout the day

trying my hardest
to make them think
that I'm okay

trying to ignore
any feelings
other than the good

even when I'm feeling
not the way
i should

so put a smile on,
and make the world believe

that I'm happy, not sad;
give them all relief

they trust me when i say
that i am doing better

i may have to keep this mask
upon my face Forever

i don't want to talk
about all of my feelings

i wear this pasted smile
to show you how I'm dealing


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