Balloon | Teen Ink


September 13, 2017
By RoyalAntivist BRONZE, Moncks Corner, South Carolina
RoyalAntivist BRONZE, Moncks Corner, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sunny day, windy night.
Perfect for flying a kite.
In the chilly, windy noon,
I spot floating a balloon.
I stare at the sight,
Admiring its flight.
It shiny silver color
Reflects off the puddle.
It stops as it hits a tree
As I then smile with glee.
Climbing up,
I find it.
My stomach feels like a pit.
Tied to the string,
I spot a ring
And a note as it flings
Off the string.

I read aloud,

"You were my all,
But I wish this fall
You hadn't left
And instead said 'yes'"

The author's comments:

A take on reality and rejection that you may face in your lifetime. Exposes the lost love that will have an impact on your life. The balloon symbolizes letting go of your past and hardships in order to move on to your future.

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