All My Life | Teen Ink

All My Life

March 19, 2009
By Harneet BRONZE, Chandigarh, Other
Harneet BRONZE, Chandigarh, Other
4 articles 1 photo 1 comment

I never know when it begins to grow
The fire inside me
I never know when they return
My feelings for thee

Why cant I control my heart
From the moment it first beats
Why cant I agree to it
That your love always cheats

I still try to get closer
Closer-to my past bliss
I try to be the one I want
But why cant I be the one you'll ever miss

I console you on your worthy qualities
Though I know they're not of my share
But you dont ever understand
That she for me is a night mare

Im tired of not showing
That I loathe her too bad
But dear me, I hope you know
How much for you Im mad

Mercy on me sweetheart
Why cant you see she's untrue
I wish I could convince you on
All my life-I've only loved you.

The author's comments:
This poem is for those who were cheated in love and they still wish that their only love remains happy and is not cheated by anyone else.Love happens only is just life.

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