If the Revolutionists had Smartphones | Teen Ink

If the Revolutionists had Smartphones

March 7, 2017
By ShelbyEdison SILVER, Houston, Texas
ShelbyEdison SILVER, Houston, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

If the revolutionists had smartphones,
Paul Revere wouldn’t have to ride.
They’d all be waiting patiently
With weapons by their side.

If Thomas Jefferson had a Mac,
He wouldn’t have to write with ink.
But if he deleted his draft,
Now that would really stink.

If Ben Franklin had Wikipedia,
He need not to fly his kite.
Lightning could hit his electrical cables,
And shut off his tablet’s bright light.

Modern technology in colonial times
Would mess up history’s path.
If this were in my history book,
I would really laugh.

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