Why must I fear insignificance? | Teen Ink

Why must I fear insignificance?

January 13, 2017
By bpeek016 BRONZE, De Kalb, Texas
bpeek016 BRONZE, De Kalb, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why must I fear insignificance?
There is so much confusion behind it
All I want is to make a difference.

Waking up is not a coincidence
So I keep trying and do not quit
Why must I fear insignificance?

Will I ever reach deliverance
Or in my sorrow and pity will I sit?
All I want is to make a difference

I could approach it with avoidance
But that may not be the best fit
Why must I fear insignificance?

I can try to give people assistance
But in that I feel slightly unfit
All I want is to make a difference.

Maybe the only way is acceptance
But to that I'll never admit
Why must I fear insignificance?
All I want is to make a difference

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