The BIG Game | Teen Ink

The BIG Game

December 15, 2016
By Surk43 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Surk43 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

At Port Huron playing hockey.

On a Saturday night in the Fall.


It was 14-0 in the 3rd period.

Trying to keep the other team to not to score.

So our goalie would get a shutout.

The other was so mad they would shout and pout.


The other team came to our side.

As they came I took a glide back.

My teamate went forward for an attack.

They passed the puck and it went behind me.

I turned around and fell on my knee.

I got back up and dove for his stick.

I tried to sweep his stick to lose the puck but his stick was like a brick.


He was on a breakaway and took a shot.

Our goalie took a swat.

He missed the puck and it went in the net.

We all made a dumb play we wish we would regret.

We scored two more times to make it 16-1.

It doesn't matter that we won by a ton.

It matters that we had a lot of fun.

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