Freedom Day | Teen Ink

Freedom Day

December 12, 2016
By MIFFY2000 BRONZE, Eaton, Colorado
MIFFY2000 BRONZE, Eaton, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One student after another

The only thing from keeping her from her freedom

The person standing before her keeping a watchful eye.

A white gleaming piece of paper is now inherited.

Halls packed like Highschool locker rooms,

As everyone is hitting light speed trying to get outside

An atlas sky blue, as beautiful could be,

Shining down on the successors below.

Glimmering tears rolled down cheerful cheeks,

Sad yet proud hearts beat


Brother and sister stand side by side

United by crimson blood and an exotic bloom of purple.

Sizzling red rays from the sun beat down upon people's skin

Forcing salty sweat to run

All Congratulations and love yous are said.

Walking back to the parking lot as a swarm of bees.

Now a race to leave for home.

The beautiful pure turquoise balloon pops floating into the air,

Signalling the of freedom day.

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