Bow Down | Teen Ink

Bow Down

March 5, 2009
By Ashmunch GOLD, Marshfield, Wisconsin
Ashmunch GOLD, Marshfield, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Hello majesty
What can I do?
Hello majesty
How do you do?
I bow down to you.

Your highness
I am your humble servant.
Your highness
I am useless and not worthy

What is this?
What am I saying?

I'm through
With you and you
I can't so this
Not anymore, I'm done!

The author's comments:
Have you ever thought that all you are aloud to do in life is make everyone else happy. All you can do is say of course I will do it to keep face; to stop a scene form happening. Well this poem is about all those times when you had to go against what you really wanted to do and agree with what ever the othority figure was is the situation. Here's to all those people that didn't have the oppertunity to stand up for themselves because it was in their best interest to keep shut, For all those people that need to stand up and be yourself. I am so guilty of this, but I wroteo this poem to remind myself that I have something to fight for and that I need to fight. Find your passion to fight for and go for it! It is the best advise I ever got.

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