How I Know | Teen Ink

How I Know

March 4, 2009
By AshleyNichole PLATINUM, Palm Coast, Florida
AshleyNichole PLATINUM, Palm Coast, Florida
23 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"the whole world steps aside for a man who knows where he is going" ~Anonymous

i know i love you
its so complicated
they say it is strong
well this much is true
greatest question in life
is how do you know
well as simple as i could put it

your my heart
your my air
your my thoughts
your my everything
i sacrifice for you happiness
over mine
i keep my feelings aside
so you don't feel pain
i don't let you know how i feel
how i don't want you to let go when you hug me
how i want to kiss you when i see you
how i want to tell you everything

i hold back
i keep it in
because i know you can't take it
i know you don't love me
but i know i love you
love is strong
it's amazing/painful/confusing/complicated
but its love
and its sacrifice
its amazing

The author's comments:
i wrote this about a relationship that has greatly impacted me. for a truely amazing person

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