Who am I? | Teen Ink

Who am I?

August 28, 2016
By ilh.1 SILVER, Lighthouse Point, Florida
ilh.1 SILVER, Lighthouse Point, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We’re all so different, yet we’re all the same.
My life’s a swirl of colors here and there.
And who am I, a person or a shade?

A snowy white or dark like hair in braids?
Beneath the surface we’re unique and rare.
We’re all so different, yet we’re all the same.

And looking in the glassy mirror I prayed.
It echoes back to me a judging stare.
So who am I, a person or a shade?

Our sense of being different is manmade.
It shouldn’t matter if we’re dark or fair.
We’re all so different, yet we’re all the same.

Although we share this world we still degrade,
Each person has a single hue to wear.
But who am I, a person or a shade?

Who cares if I am light or dark or grayed?
Why is our view of color so impaired?
We’re all so different, yet we’re all the same.
Who I am is a person, not a shade!

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