Three mice and a kitten | Teen Ink

Three mice and a kitten

June 16, 2016
By alawondetheophilus SILVER, Ogbomosho, Oklahoma
alawondetheophilus SILVER, Ogbomosho, Oklahoma
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There is not enough darkness in the world, to put out the light of a candle.

Three old spinster mice,

thought they ought to be nice.

They found a cold kitten,

and didn't stop to reason.

They took her to their hole,

and Dorothy brought some rolls.


The kitten soon felt fine,

and she began to whine.

Playful Pamela peeped in her crib,

and poked her in the ribs.

She didn't know the adage:

one man's fun is another's rage.

The poke provoked Katie Kitty,

and Pamela was deeply bitten.

She gave out an agonizing groan;

for the wound showed to her bone.


Stern Stella with her glasses,

came out hoping to give lashes.

She said, 'Katie, do be still!'

And this made Katie's rage real:

for she made a mighty leap,

and landed all claws on Stella's hips.

Stella gave out a sharp cry,

as she scurried off, with a tear.


Dorothy, being a doting one,

came out with a creamy bun.

She said, 'Katie, do have a bite',

and yes, she did have a bite!

Dorothy's hand was bitten with the bun,

and oh! My, could Dorothy run?


All three then held a meeting,

with their rage still seething.

An idea struck them: so meaty,

and they angrily evacuated Katie.

They then sat, and signed a treaty,

never to be nice, but creepy.

So, if the mice in your house are sneaky,

they have to; on the ancient wall hangs the treaty.

The author's comments:

When I thought of how sneaky these house pests called mice are, I then thought that something must have made them that way, and so this poem struck me, "so meaty".

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