FAITH Found Through Closed Eyes | Teen Ink

FAITH Found Through Closed Eyes

February 26, 2009
By AndThisIsReal PLATINUM, Broadalbin, New York
AndThisIsReal PLATINUM, Broadalbin, New York
31 articles 0 photos 81 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dans chaque fil il y a un debut.

FAITH Found Through Closed Eyes

I'd reach up slowly
Hoping not to upset the balance of things
For they always said 'you' had a plan for us all
While still clinging to the ground for all that it was worth
I'd stand on my tippy toes hoping to reach 'you'
Hoping that the sun doesn't cause a glare
And the clouds don't block my view
After grandpa died I did this every morning for nearly seven weeks
Hoping maybe then I'll get lucky
Because Grandma always said no to worry about Grandpa
For he was a man of faith.
He's in a better place and
Someday I too would find God.
And I thought I'd better start
Looking before it's too late!
But by the end of the seventh week
I was thoroughly discouraged because
I just couldn't scrape the clouds away and
I couldn't block out the sun
No matter how high I reached
I was always just too small.
Those retched things
They were hiding Him from me.
This is what I told Grandma that morning
When she found me on the lawn.
And she said'.
Little girl
Aren't those the prettiest flowers you've ever seen?
Look at how they bloomed,
(Pointing to the flowers me and Grandpa had planted that spring).
Don't you see if you scrape away the clouds and
Block out the sun
They will have no rain and
They will have no light and
Without it they cannot grow.
They'll lose all their beautiful color dear.
Then I closed my eyes and she held my hand
While the sun warmed my face and
Her hand warmed my heart.
Then she whispered softly
Soft as the breeze around us
Little girl you have such a big heart
That you could never be too small and
As long as you reach
Doesn't matter how tall
God will be there.
And I had my first glimpse of pastel colored faith that afternoon on the lawn.


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