Do You Not Realize? | Teen Ink

Do You Not Realize?

April 11, 2016
By NDMF33 BRONZE, Jerantut, Other
NDMF33 BRONZE, Jerantut, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Poem: Do you not realize?

Dear humans,
Do you not realize
How pity your life is?
Living as full-armed destructors.

Dear humans,
Do you not realize
How greedy you are
Killing wildlife with no sense of mercy
Armed with atrocious traps and brutal machines,
Just for a green piece of paper

Dear humans,
Do you not realize
How pathetic you are
Cutting down trees as if there's no tomorrow
Snatching the innocent creatures' lives with shining eyes,
Taking away their precious fur off their body,
For your own comfort.

Dear humans,
Do you not realize
How mindless you are
Your rampant logging have destroyed thousands of rainforests
Leaving the poor animals left without a home,
While you just sit and relax with joy,
In a place where you called luxurious home.
A luxurious home which is basically their habitat.

Dear humans,
Do you not realize
How selfish you are
Busy thinking about today
But never bothered to think of tomorrow
What a pity for the future generations,
To have a present generation like you,
A sad, pity, pathetic, mindless generation like you

The author's comments:

I hope people will realize how important mother nature is to the whole wide world...

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