Antidepressants | Teen Ink


March 9, 2016
By templarcole BRONZE, Pembroke Pines, Florida
templarcole BRONZE, Pembroke Pines, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

And even if you are alone in the world and everything else turns to dust and you always find yourself wondering why the world is the way it is and why it

Behooves you to learn about the people with the red hair and the pale white skin because they make you feel better about the way you burst at the sight of a simplistic

Cocoon and the way of life and how the world is full of endless possibilities and the marvels of the world cannot be explained no more than a drop of hatred in a pool of love can be and even if it

Did make you wonder why the pale people with the red hair killed your beautiful dreams with their harsh, hateful words and their

Exorbitant control on the minds of the children of tomorrow and how you can't scream because they threaten your brain and it

Forgets that it is its own creature and is not controlled by the 

Gun that it's held

Hostage by and it is its own organ and the redheads cannot change it even as they try to

Influence it with dopamine and the chemicals that make it, and you,

Jumpy with pure euphoria and it may be healthy but it certainly may 

Kill you because once the pale redheads go you cannot imagine life without them and the more you can't the more they start visiting and the 

Less you want them the less they appear and the less they appear the

More destruction they cause because the pale redheads are 

Nothing but hell and trouble in one tiny capsule that 

Only you have to swallow and not the 

People that jeer more than they attempt to understand and

Question why you always lock yourself in your room at night and suppress the sobs that burst from your mouth and

Render your parents a mess as they lie awake and try to 

Subdue the screams with their red, pulsing blankets of what they assume to be love but is instead pure

Terror to you since you do not know how to understand the 

Umbrella that they use to protect you from the crimson rain that soaks through your body and makes you tremble and

Visit that place you call your special place even though millions like you know what it is and call it their special place too but even so their feelings are not

Welcome in your own special place because the redheads don't let you empathize with them because safety in numbers and none of them want safety they all want

Xenophobia to prevent things from getting better because once you take the redheads in you allow them to take control of everything and

You can't talk to those that know what you feel like because they swallowed the redheads too and eventually you're going

Zero to hero because without the redheads you can understand but not convey and with them you can convey but not understand it and not feel it on your fingertips nor smell the fresh roses outside of the ornate, twisted window that you step out of occasionally but you can think and that's all the redheads want you to do

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