The Mask I Wear | Teen Ink

The Mask I Wear

January 6, 2016
By Cinnabon_The_Almighty BRONZE, Cape Carteret, North Carolina
Cinnabon_The_Almighty BRONZE, Cape Carteret, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Another painful day
Behind this mask I wear. You never see the tears and I know you will never
Care about my life, about the pain I endure. I try so
Desperately to call out to you, but
Each time you ignore my frantic pleas
For your help. I have become a
Ghost, standing on the Far Shore. I
Hate you, you being the reason I cry. Don’t try to convince me otherwise,
I can see through the disguise and the lies you present before the judge.
Just leave, I don’t want to see you. You
Killed any emotion of sympathy I had felt for you. I hope I
Light the flames of your demise, see how
Much time it takes for you to crumble to nothing like I did.
Nothing will stop me this time, I will rip
Open your wounds,
Pound you till you can’t get up anymore. I will overthrow you and become the
Queen of my life. I am in control, not you. I’ll
Reap the benefits,
Saying that you will forever regret angering me.
Time will be my friend, the
Universe my playground. But I
Veil these feelings
Where you will never find them. And when I want to unleash them, it’s too late.
Xhilerated from your antidote, you draw your weapon…
You stab me, and you abuse me till I am dead.
Zealous with adrenaline, you scream in triumph, my blood staining your clothes as I fade into oblivion.

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