Loss of Innocence | Teen Ink

Loss of Innocence

January 17, 2016
By CiaoBella BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
CiaoBella BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The mind is distracted, a solitude place
It harbors memories that once stopped you to stare
Your smile so sullen sits on a pale face
Your heart is too tired and shut off from care

The desk where you sit is barren of dreams
What once flowed freely with good hope has run dry
Your notebook once full, now endless empty reams
Your time has come, no way to avoid goodbye

The clock ticks by slowly, a bomb in your head
You desire silence with each empty word
Your mind loses count of faces pale as dead
Your hands count trinkets, completely absurd

The dinner table reminds you of when,
A family once sat here with hands locked tight
Your only good memories counted to ten
Your loved ones now only aid in your plight

But one place you go just over the crest,
The sun dips low and puts peace in your breast
You think of how, you tried your very best
Put aside all of your childish wishes,
Time has come, to fly away from the nest

The author's comments:

This piece is about the changes made personally for me in certain aspects of my life as I've grown out of childhood. 

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