The Cucumber | Teen Ink

The Cucumber

December 18, 2015
By Yamanu BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
Yamanu BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"There is a time when a man will not run from a fight, That time is when his friends's dreams are laughed at." - Usopp, One Piece

Cucumber! Cucumber! Oh mighty cucumber!
Why is it that you slumber?
With what fork or knife,
Pierce your long life?
So very lean.
So incredibly green.
Why are you so bland?
Why is it you can not stand?
Cucumber! Cucumber! Oh mighty cucumber!
The more that I write the greater grows my hunger.

The author's comments:

I never really liked cucumbers, but I started to after 5th grade when I ate an amazing meal my grandmother prepared. I also found out that Kappas, a Japanese water demon, love eating them. Though the actual reason I made this was a as a comedic parody for The Tyger by William Blake.

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