I Don't Know | Teen Ink

I Don't Know

December 18, 2015
By Bitsy GOLD, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
Bitsy GOLD, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I don’t know what it’s like to be successful
to have a family of my own
to run a business
to achieve my dreams

I don’t know what it’s like to have an eternal love
to be truly loved
to share a bond nobody can break
to love unconditionally
and be felt back the same feelings of attractions

I may not know what life is
what having a child feels like
what being married is
what it means for a guy to stand by me
for someone to accept me
to notice my flaws,
yet still to forget them

I don’t know what a wide-eyed-wonder-world is
a paradise full of all happiness
a place where negativity doesn’t exist
a heaven open to all in the afterlife
a home where I can truly call it

I may not know how to explore without hurting in some way, but I can try.

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