Anxiety | Teen Ink


November 13, 2015
By indefinitely_samaya GOLD, Shoreline, Washington
indefinitely_samaya GOLD, Shoreline, Washington
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This room is dark and there is no light,
There are noises upstairs, and I’m filled with fright.
The windows are shut and the door is locked,
All entries and exits are fully blocked.
Nobody else is here, I think.
Why is the room starting to shrink?

I'm feeling weak,

And the air becomes bleak.
As the walls press in,
All the noises dim.
The room stops shrinking and I’m lying on the ground.
The noises are back, shouting all around.
They say “It’s day!” but I know it’s night.
This room is dark and there is no light.

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