Building Memories | Teen Ink

Building Memories

February 3, 2009
By BORREGO PLATINUM, Sacramento, California
BORREGO PLATINUM, Sacramento, California
34 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ancient Relics, evidences of civilization long before
Fossils washing up as waves crash them down upon the shore
Rome, fearful slaves battled for their survival
In the Coliseum, fans roared and cheered at their arrival
Egypt, Pharaohs took their riches beyond the grave
Sealed in Pyramids, more gold their spirits still crave.
They were brave, rich, this I understand
But is there a way for me to leave my mark upon the sand?

I must start right now, I must make haste
The Angel of Death is descending. There is no time to waste.
There is something I want, but I am not sure why
It's to mark these people and these places quick before I die.
If we all tried to leave an impression, some of us might succeed.
Don't be the Pharaoh, the Roman, driven by that evil greed.
Make the world better, brighter. Mount your steeds.
Pursue that change in the world always, even when you bleed.
Alter your corner of Earth. Your spot. Your Space.
And prevail over all the obstacles the future will have you face.
Then that day will come and you will find that you have been replaced.
Make them remember you always, even after you have been erased.


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