Ode to Change | Teen Ink

Ode to Change

February 2, 2009
By Sara Wegman BRONZE, Princeton, New Jersey
Sara Wegman BRONZE, Princeton, New Jersey
4 articles 2 photos 0 comments

O, change, change,
So seductive when muttered off the lips
Of the charismatic man in the clean blue suit,
Will you really make the difference?

The promise of a new world
To a million unhappy civilians,
You can make anyone the hero-
And now that he is the hero,
Will you live up to your promise?

Lining up in bitter cold and rain,
We, Lazarus's huddled masses,
Yearning to breathe free from under our new King George,
Cast our ballots to BaracktheVote

The crowds, shaking with surging adrenaline
Jump and scream, the women cry, the men yell as Keith Olbermann projects
A united victory from Blue America
'Let's paint this country blue.'
And hearing this, hearts, beating like jackhammers, cry out for a new world.

Change, we have campaigned for you,
Cried for you,
Loved for you,
Fought for you,
Prayed for you,
Hoped for you, and
Overcome for you.

The only question left standing is
Can you overcome for us?

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