The Unexpected Sprain | Teen Ink

The Unexpected Sprain

September 28, 2015
By nathan0715 BRONZE, Davisburg, Michigan
nathan0715 BRONZE, Davisburg, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One hot summer day we had so much fun.
We jumped and played underneath the sun.
We lost track of time and didn’t have a worry.
Here I am to tell the story:

The anticipation rose,
our pounding hearts quickened,
our excitement increased.
“ONE, TWO, THREE” we yelled.
We jumped off the slide,
soared through the sky
feeling like birds,
thinking we could fly,
my friend and I.

We landed with a boink,
sinking into the rubber.
But then we bounced upward,
laughing at each other.

High in the air,
midway through flight,
I began to realize that something wasn’t right

I started to panic so I flailed and shrieked,
hitting the ground,
my ankle went weak.

Sitting up and realizing what happened,
I laughed.
I laughed through the pain,
not feeling it at first,                                                                                                         Aberlich 1
not expecting a sprain.
But then it hit me:

My ankle ached.
It hurt.
It throbbed.
I couldn’t cry.
I couldn’t sob.

I tried to stand.
The pain made me wince
and I clenched my hands into a fist
All good times must always end.
I’m sorry but it’s true my friend.
Some unforeseen events may happen,
the results may very quickly sadden.
But continuing onward with the pain,
I had to deal with it,
I had a sprain.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece thinking that it was a simple story, but it showcased how even the most simple of times in your life can become a life lesson some day

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