Everlasting Addiction | Teen Ink

Everlasting Addiction

September 3, 2015
By terraxoxo BRONZE, Greencastle, Indiana
terraxoxo BRONZE, Greencastle, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

An addiction you will never escape

now it determines your fate

addictions stick, just like tape

it will follow you, no matter which state


now it determines your fate

like the whistle of the wind

it will follow you, no matter which state

devasting visions it will send


like the whistle of the wind

it will haunt you

devasting visions it will send

always there to taunt you


it will haunt you

sending shivers down your spine

always there to taunt you

sending sweet whispers, "you'll always be mine"


cravings out of control, they won't stop

the drug soars in with a superman cape

at last you are complete, now you feel on top

an addiction you will never escape

The author's comments:

I actually wrote this pantoum poem for my creative writing class, but I got the idea from my best friend who I have watched suffer a very scary addiction problem. 

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