Melt. | Teen Ink


August 5, 2015
By BreadLord BRONZE, Bangkok,
BreadLord BRONZE, Bangkok,
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There are three types of lies: lies, damn lies, and STATISTICS!


v. 1. to become or make something become liquid as a result of heating: as one would with butter for pancakes or a mind as it ventures down an endless subconscious road

v. 2. to become or make a feeling, an emotion, etc. become gentler and less strong: her beautiful smile melted away the tension, as drops of the sky's darkened gaze would trickle onto the land below in slants of warm orange and yellow/ as the crisp folds of your bed would melt around you, the first rays of sunlight weaving like a bright thread through the silvery black/ as your mind would slowly lift you off the rocky road with feathery hands, pulling you farther away from the end of the path you've treaded down all night/ as the treasure chest under your pillow would bleed, what with all the coins rusting a rotten orange/ as your mind would know you again as the poor old you/ as another tale remains a rope swinging in the morning breeze, frayed at its end.

The author's comments:

I just learnt about this form of poetry this summer so it's been quite a struggle (one that I particularly enjoy) to apply my knowledge. Hope you like it!

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