Not Good Enough | Teen Ink

Not Good Enough

July 5, 2015
By Mrs.Humphrey GOLD, Modesto, California
Mrs.Humphrey GOLD, Modesto, California
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Go on and tell them all
I was the one and you let me fall.
We were the perfect match,
and my heart I let you snatch.
You held it in your hand.
Everything we had planned.
But she was prettier than me
You wouldn't listen when I tried to plea.
Take me back and Ill be better.
Ill forever be your debtor.

Her smile was wide
while mine was left to hide.
You took her to dinner.
Made it seem like she was the winner.
While you were happy I was alone
Everything we could of had I was shown.
The wedding came and went 
My heart still seemed to be bent.
The world seemed so hard
My heart would forever be scarred
The pills fell to the floor.
My love for you I swore.
I finally realized I would never get you back
Everyone said goodbye wearing black.

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