Up to heave and ho | Teen Ink

Up to heave and ho

January 13, 2009
By Anonymous

I see our souls traveling a case of stairs.
Don’t get me wrong, no one has to… stay there.
Jumping off the railing just may be better then being forced to be dragged to the bottom,
But the choice soon becomes choice less and its something we’ll all share.

I’m not living in the moment, because I haven’t built myself that way.
You push me down, you push me down, I’d rather live for some other day.
My mind doesn’t rest, but it rests at the next step.
I yearn to take the next step of my next step.
None of it has happened yet, but I’m there;
And I’m looking down at myself with a persist stare.

My friend travels one of those spiraling stair cases that brings him to high and low places,
He sees his own downfall, but he’d rather be reckless then push himself against a wall.
I see our souls traveling a case of stairs.
Don’t get me wrong, no one has to… stay there.
Jumping off the railing just may be better then being forced to be dragged to the bottom,
But the choice soon becomes choice less and its something we’ll all share.

My best friend lives for the moment (I envy her)
She hasn’t moved from her stair, and she doesn’t even give a care!
She doesn’t know where it goes, she doesn’t want to know,
She doesn’t know where it goes, she doesn’t want to know,
She must be happy there, but she only thinks that’s as far as she can go.

I see our souls traveling a case of stairs.
Don’t get me wrong, no one has to… stay there.
Jumping off the railing just may be better then being forced to be dragged to the bottom,
But the choice soon becomes choice less and its something we’ll all share

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