Horsemen | Teen Ink


March 24, 2015
By RavenGarritano SILVER, Cassopolis, Michigan
RavenGarritano SILVER, Cassopolis, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.

Four Horsemen Came Riding
Behold, ye of Little Faith
Darkness and Harbingers Tiding
“Behold,” they Saith
The one in White
Who Hath Sown Pestilence
Boiling and Disease upon the Night
“For,” Says He, upon the White Horse, “You have reached the End of His Benevolence”
The Scarlet Horseman Sneered
Bloodshed erupting in Ember Eyes
And all of Man began to Tremble in Fear
Behind Him, among the masses, a War cry Rise
The Man in Green Beneath appeared
And with him Famine was feared

The Final One Stepped Forward
On a Horse Pale as Dawn
And all that saw him felt peace come norward
With softly a Yawn
Men and Women Surrendered Forth
The ground was littered with corpses that they hath lay upon
All slumbering, within Death’s door
These horsemen walked along the Earth
Their Shadows Spread, their Absolution a gift
A cry of pain, a whisper of sleep
As the continents give forth a rift
Creatures of darkness behind them they creep
Beware them dear ones, they come so they say,
To usher in the end, and to take us away.

The author's comments:

Like some, I'm very interested in the idea of the four horsemen of the apocolypse, and, well, this just came to me.

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