I am.... | Teen Ink

I am....

March 11, 2015
By eloisa_burke BRONZE, Brentwood, California
eloisa_burke BRONZE, Brentwood, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Food is life

I am unique and kind

I wonder what will happen in the future

I hear the song of a mocking bird

I see the sun setting behind the mountains

I want to be able to go back in time

I am unique and kind


I pretend to spend everyday with my grandpa

I feel sad not seeing him anymore

I touch and hug him forever

I worry I will never see him again

I cry when I think of him

I am unique and kind


I understand our world's not perfect

I say everyone can make a differnece

I dream that war will become peace

I try to see our world restored

I hope we will all get along someday

I am unique and kind

The author's comments:

This poem reflects me

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