The Super Power of Dealing with Anxiety | Teen Ink

The Super Power of Dealing with Anxiety

February 22, 2015
By JessicaShea BRONZE, Amherst, Massachusetts
JessicaShea BRONZE, Amherst, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Being called weird is like being called limited edition, it means you don't get seen often
-Ashley perdy

We stand together with capes on our backs
We are as strong as samurai
Made of the strongest steel yet full of cracks

Lost and forgotten about like Pompeii
All the negative thoughts we justify
We stand together with capes on our backs

“Look forward to tomorrow” you’ll hear us say
The promise of a better future we glorify
Made of the strongest steel yet full of cracks

Like some art project made out of paper-mache
The rugged beauty of ourselves we deny
We stand together with capes on our backs

Read through all the social rules, we obey
‘you’re not good enough’ others imply
Made of the strongest steel yet full of cracks

“you’re just not trying hard enough”, touché
Negative thoughts outweigh
We stand together with capes on our backs
Made of the strongest steel yet full of cracks

The author's comments:

Sometimes it takes a superpowers to say hey

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