Longing for Eden | Teen Ink

Longing for Eden

January 29, 2015
By Kimberly Stanczak SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Kimberly Stanczak SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A well will wilt like the beginning
Of sorrows down upon: the face, eyes,
The hell hole beyond this place, your fingers

Fragile and weak, blue veins deepen as we touch
A truth unlike any unforeseeable
Adieu, will bilk as you do with gaining my control

Utmost urge, between bellowed cries, following
Stones tarnished by cracks, a vile
Night laments in outlast deprivation

Bones ill to keep off lives relentless of animation,
Lying in labor, a task ends on a realm
Whither we wept about life, your fear

Is in negation, mad and meant
Charm, out from thoughts, longing for Eden.

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