Abecedarius for Attention Seeking | Teen Ink

Abecedarius for Attention Seeking

January 12, 2015
By muire_ann BRONZE, Hagerstown, Maryland
muire_ann BRONZE, Hagerstown, Maryland
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it." --Winston Churchill

Always claiming you’re unfixable, that you’re

Broken; as if you were a doll with dark red
Cheeks and a glass heart.
“Destroyed,” you moan, “I’m destroyed,”
Even though there are no shards to be seen.

Fixated, you’re determined to prove who has it worst,
Gloating about who hurts more, who hit the ground and can’t
Handle getting back up because their hands ache;
Intending to block punches but only blocked help instead. Don’t try

Justifying your actions. You’re not the only one in pain.

“King Misery,” they chant, your personality
Lost in pills and therapy sessions, over and over again
Making the same idiotic decisions because you want to be
Noticed, sputtering on about how society is against you.

Oh god, you’re so pathetic,
Preying on sadness, nothing can
Quench your thirst. All you do is complain,
Repeating the same clichés again and again,
Seeking for one more person to care,
To notice how much of a china doll you really are. You
Utilize your ‘depression’ and force your eyes
Vacant so people will give you practiced pitied looks.

When will you let yourself be whole?

X marks the time you gave up on
Yourself, even before anyone else had.

Zip your lips. I’m done with your self-pity.

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